Assistant Pastor Ruberto Ek Yah, Ministry to Latinos

Assistant Pastor and long time member, Pastor Ruberto leads the Latino Bible study, the Spanish language worship services on Sundays, and translates for the bilingual Sunday morning services. Ordination and Installation was on Sunday, March 27, 2022.  Pastor Ruberto is married and has 2 young children who attend Trinity Lutheran School and Early Learning Center.

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Mrs. Ruth Gray, Business/Office Manager

Since 2009, Mrs. Gray has been Trinity’s Administrative Assistant and in 2013, became the Business Manager for all church and school matters. She is a graduate of Concordia University holding a degree in Business Administration. After an early career in the business world, Ruth became the music teacher and director of student choirs and bands at Trinity Lutheran Christian School. She, her husband Cedric and their children Rachel, Marcus and Jacob are active participants and leaders in many areas of Trinity’s church and school life.

Dr. Walter Krueger, Organist, Choir Director

Walter E. Krueger is a Lutheran musician and educator residing in Portland, Oregon. In addition to being Trinity’s organist and choir director, he currently serves as adjunct professor of music at Concordia University, Portland and teaches piano and organ students privately.  An organ recitalist, lecturer, and hymn festival leader, Krueger has also composed and arranged a number of works for keyboard, choir, handbells, and other instruments.  Over the years, he has served churches, high schools and colleges in California, Illinois, Michigan, and Oregon.

Dr. Krueger’s musical doctorate is from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.  He also studied at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and Concordia University Chicago.

Krueger is a recognized Fellow and Choir Master of the American Guild of Organists (FAGO, ChM).  He served on the National Council of the AGO. Krueger is also a Dean Emeritus of the Portland Oregon Chapter, recently serving as Director of a “Pipe Organ Encounter” for teens.

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February 27th • 5:00pm – 6:15pm

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TLCS Kindergarten Round-Up

February 27th • 5:00pm – 6:15pm