We invite you to serve with us and get connected. Trinity Lutheran Church offers a variety of opportunities for Christian growth, service, fellowship and stewardship.
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Music Ministries
Express yourself to God through music. There are a number of ways to do so at Trinity. New participants are welcome in the Praise band, the Choir and the Hand Bells. We value a broad base of involvement and those with musical gifts to share will enhance the worship services for all in attendance.
Praise Band
The Praise Band participates in worship on a regular basis, providing service music and hymn accompaniment. Regular rehearsals are scheduled by the band.
Our choir regularly sings in Sunday morning worship services as well as for festival services of the church year. Rehearsals are scheduled by the group from September through mid-May. Singers high school age and older are welcome to participate in the Choir.
Hand Bells
The Bell Choir participates in worship throughout the year providing worship music and hymn accompaniment. Bell Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings, 6:15-7:15 P.M. The ability to sight-read music is necessary to participate, though previous bell ringing experience is not.