Trinity’s Piecemakers’ quilts are made to provide love, warmth and comfort throughout the world. Quilts are sent to Lutheran World Relief, to Project Linus or to others as a need arises.
“Tied in faith; sent in hope; wrapped in love.”
Lutheran World Relief collects the quilts twice a year and they are sent to over 20 countries in partnership with other international relief and health ministries.
Project Linus is a national organization whose mission is to “provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need.” Our quilts are distributed to local children.
Quilt tops are made at home by anyone who likes to sew. Kits of fabric and instructions are provided in a basket in the church narthex. The kits can be “checked out” and returned to the basket upon completion.
The group meets monthly to assemble the quilts, usually on the 3rd Saturday of each month from September to May (except December and February) from 9:00 – 3:00 in the school cafeteria. See the church calendars for exact dates. Anyone is welcome to come all day (and bring a sack lunch) or for any part of the day. No experience is necessary; if you can tie a knot, you can help make quilts.